Mira 415 Cartridge 902.55 Black CombiForce Thermostatic Shower Cartridge Compatible Replacement (Post 1992)
The Important note: This cartridge is for Mira shower models which have a red button on the temperature control handle. If yours doesn't then you will need the grey ver...
Genuine Mira Rada 412.01 thermostatic cartridge replacement. This cartridge uses Radatherm capsule technology to regulate water temperature. The flow cartridge counterpart for the valve is most commonly the RADA 902.85 which is in a link at the bottom of this page.
Genuine Mira Rada 1704.179 Safetherm thermostatic cartridge which is used on 1.1704.001 Rada Safetherm TMV3 wall mounted basin mixers.
- 1704.179 thermostatic cartridge (TMV3 standard)
This cartridge is suitable for:
- Rada safetherm TMV3 wall mounted basin mi...
Genuine Rada 407.67 thermostatic cartridge assembly for Mira Rada 215, Exact-3 and aquations shower mixer valves.
- 407.67 thermostatic cartridge
- Silicone grease
- Plastic fixing pin (horseshoe shape)
This cartridge is suitable for:
- Rada 215 BCBW Serie...
Genuine Rada Mira 1663.152 thermostatic cartridge.
- 1663.152 thermostatic cartridge (TMV3 standard)
This cartridge is suitable for:
Mira Miniduo / Minilite - Built-in Shower Valves
Mira Tabla Thermostatic Mixers
Mira Miniduo / Minilite / Moto / Pace - Expo...
Mira / Rada 1578.046 Thermostatic Cartridge 222 T3 Assembly
The cartridge is also known as
- 1.1578.056.1 Rad Cart Assembly 222 T3 spares
The cartridge is used in the following Rada and Mira shower mixer valve models:
- Rada Exact-3
The 1578.046 thermo cart is made...
Genuine Rada 902.85 Flow Cartridge for 915 Shower Valves (1.902.85.4.0).
- Rada 902.85 Flow Cartridge
The 902.85 cartridge assembly is used in Kohler Mira 915 thermostatic shower valves. The specific models this cartridge is used in are listed below:
- Rada 9...
Genuine Rada Mira 902.70 Thermostatic Cartridge for 723 Shower Valves. This is the high pressure version of the cartridge. If you need the low pressure version, the code is Mira 902.70.
- Rada 902.70 Thermostatic Cartridge
The 902.70 cartridge assembly is use...
Genuine Rada Mira 722 902.23 thermostatic cartridge assembly for 722 | G72 | 72 and M72 HIGH pressure shower mixer valves.
Please check whether you need the high or low pressure version of this cartridge. The low pressure version has the code Mira 902.21.
- 9...
Genuine Rada Mira 722 902.21 thermostatic cartridge assembly for 722 | G72 | 72 and M72 low pressure shower mixer valves.
- 902.21 thermostatic cartridge
- Large black rubber gasket seal
This cartridge is suitable only for:
- Mira 722 thermostatic mixing val...
Genuine Rada 902.47 thermostatic cartridge for Rada 17 HT shower valves using thermoscopic therm cart technology.
*Important* The Rada 17 HT thermostatic cartridge has now been discontinued therefore when stock is sold out it's unlikely to come back into stock.
Mira 1736.703 Thermostatic Cartridge for Duo, Agile, Adept, Pronta Shower Valves. Please note that the spring is no longer included so you'll need to use the spring from the old cartridge on the new one.
Rada 1651.149 V12 Thermostatic Cartridge (Mira)
The is used in the following valves:
Rada V12 Exposed Valve
Rada V12 B Concealed Shower Valve
Cartridge Measurements:
Total Length: 100mm (excluding green handle adapter)
Diameter at Thread: 51.8mm
Diameter at Top O'rin...
MIRA 902.91 Grey Thermostatic Cartridge
The Mira 902.91 is used in:
- Mira 415/415B Shower Valves (1985 - 1991)
- Mira 415/415B Shower Valves (1991 - 1993)
Cartridge Measurements
Length: 87.8mm
Diameter: 46.7mm...
This is a thermostatic cartridge spare for Mira Rada 456.27 which is used on Revive-3 shower models 'Parent-30' and 'Parent-57'.
Common questions:
- My shower handle is stiff, is the thermostatic cartridge at fault?
Answer: It is quite possible that the thermostatic cartrid...